
Survival Skills

What Is the Best Emergency Survival List?

A well-prepared emergency survival list can help you survive a disaster or emergency situation that you may confront anytime. This becomes even more important for the outdoor enthusiasts who spend their days outside, away from the comforts of home. Be it camping, hunting, hiking or any other activity, these people are often exposed to ...

Pick The Best Survival Knives For Gear

If you are new to survival gear, you need to concentrate on getting a usable knife. Many times the knife you choose will not be big or oversize since these can make the knife usable and make it bulky to carry. It should be a simple knife, any other tool may be included with ...

3 Tips For Hiking Survival

n So you just want to go for a short hike in the woods and really do not expect to be gone long at all. Well unless you only go about 100 yards from your car or house or whatever your home base happens to be, you should consider these 3 tips as important ...

What Is the Best Survival Knife?

A survival knife is such equipment that can be of great help depending on its circumstances, size, construction and use. It can bail out people from the most impossible situations. When you are spending some time outdoor, there may be many emergency situations which you have to face. Since the fittest survive, you need ...

Survival Tips – Ten Life-savers

1. Read Or Watch Survival Stories If you have read many true wilderness survival stories, you know that many people who probably shouldn’t have survived did so because they refused to give up. Attitude matters, and to get the right attitude, you need to be able to truly believe that you will find a ...