
Great Campfire Recipes for Kids

You have a nice crackling campfire, and the kids are sitting around it, faces full of joy and awe. Then one of the kids mentions that they are hungry. Invariably, like a contagion, all the kids are hungry.

Turn this to your advantage, and make the outing even better for the kids. It usually only takes a small amount of pre-planning.

Fantastic campfire recipes for the kids don’t need to be elaborate or difficult. One of the simplest is to just take a willow stick, slightly sharpen it on one end, and then slip this down the center of a hot dog. The child can then cook their hot dog over the fire, and once it is hot and done, it can be placed on a slice of bread or a hot dog bun. A little ketchup, mustard, and relish, and they will think they are eating a meal fit for kings and queens.

Older kids may enjoy cooking a fish over the fire in much the same way as with the hot dog, though it is a little harder to do, to prevent the fish from falling off into the coals. However, they can also place the fish on aluminum foil, add a bit of butter and some lemon juice, and then wrap it up, placing it in the coals. (Medium coals are best for this.) When the fish is turned a couple times, once every ten minutes or so, the result is a delicious and juicy cooked fish. The aroma is heavenly, too.

A favorite recipe for my kids, that still remains a favorite though they are no longer kids, was a desert.

Using a willow stick, impale a marshmallow and let the child cook it gently over the campfire. When it is done and hot, put this in a bed of chocolate (using a candy bar) that has been laid on top of graham crackers. Naturally you’ll want to do this after the meal, but though this treat is sweet and delicious, it is also filling, so usually a kid won’t eat too many of them.

For simpler tastes, just toasting a marshmallow over the fire until golden brown is wonderful.

These recipes enhance the enjoyment of the camp out, and they are simple to make. Best of all, they are loved by kids from the very young, to those who have a few more decades under their belt, but still with a child in their heart.